Updated: May 1, 2022
Dear Paradise Chapel Ohana,
Praise the Lord! God has continued to be faithful to us through every season. As CDC mandates have been lifted, we will continue to gather together as the Lord has called us to. Masks are still optional when attending Sunday Services and other church functions.
We will continue to provide you with a clean, safe and sanitary environment. We do this by using our state of the art air filtration systems and by regular cleaning and sanitization practices.
We look forward to a great move of God in 2022 and we look forward to seeing you. God bless you all!
With love,
Ps Lokahi
Updated: August 23, 2021
Dear Paradise Chapel Ohana,
Godʻs house is open🙌. Come and be blessed by what God has in store for you!
Paradise Chapel continues to operate in compliance with CDC regulations as the State has transitioned into Tier 5 with modifications according to the Mayor's orders.
Thank you to all of our staff for their hard work and due diligence in maintaining a healthy environment for everyone in attendance.
Our live-streamed service is an open option for those of you who wish to use it. You can find us on both YouTube and Facebook under the name Paradise Chapel AG.
May the Lord bless you as we continue to move forward in His name,
With love,
Ps Ronaldo
Updated: July 15, 2021
Dear Paradise Chapel Ohana,
Godʻs house is open🙌. Come and be blessed by what God has in store for you.
Paradise Chapel continues to operate in compliance with CDC regulations as the State has transitioned into Tier 4 of the Mayor's orders.
Thank you to all of our staff for their hard work and due diligence in maintaining a healthy environment for everyone in attendance.
Our live-streamed service is an open option for those of you who wish to use it. You can find us on both YouTube and Facebook under the name Paradise Chapel AG.
May the Lord bless you as we continue to move forward.
Ps Ronaldo
Updated: June 27, 2021
Dear Paradise Chapel Ohana,
Godʻs house is open🙌. Come and be blessed by what God has in store for you.
Paradise Chapel continues to operate in compliance with CDC regulations as the State has transitioned into Tier 4 of the Mayor's orders.
Thank you to all of our staff for their hard work and due diligence in maintaining a healthy environment for everyone in attendance.
Our live-streamed service is an open option for those of you who wish to use it. You can find us on both YouTube and Facebook under the name Paradise Chapel AG.
May the Lord bless you as we continue to move forward.
Ps Ronaldo
Updated: August 6, 2020
Dear Paradise Chapel Ohana,
Hope you are well today!💪
We are still having our in-person Sunday service this week at 9:00am.🙌
We were able to contact the Honolulu City office concerning the new government orders and validate that we are in compliance with CDC and that our church services are exempt from the 10 or less order. Special thanks to all of our staff and volunteers - we are good to go!👍
The only difference now is that masks will have to be worn 100% of the time, even when sitting at your seats. (Children 5 and under and those with health conditions are exempt from this)
We look forward to seeing you in-person or online. 🤙
God bless you all,
Ps Ronaldo
Updated: July 30, 2020
Dear Paradise Chapel Ohana,
We hope that this church update finds you well.
On Sunday August 9, 2020 we will be restoring our services back to a single service starting at 9:00am. Our Sunday Service team did a great job in preparing for our reopening. After evaluation, we feel we are able to accommodate our in-person attenders with a single service. We will remain flexible and make adjustments as needed in the future.
All of our health and safety guidelines will be maintained in order to keep our in-person guests and volunteers healthy.
We are also officially launching our new Church App on on August 2, 2020. It's a great tool for communication to help you stay abreast with what's happening at Paradise Chapel. Click "CONNECT" for details on how to get the app.
Our giving portal is also being upgraded to provide you with the most up to date features. You will now have the options to give through our new app, through our online portal and through our new text-to-give feature.
If you need any technical support or training for any of these, please do not hesitate to call or email the church office to set up an appointment with one of our support team members. You can also continue to give in-person on Sundays or mail your giving in to our PO Box. Click "GIVE" in the menu bar for more details.
We continue to trust God to guide us as we navigate through these times. We will keep you updated you as we move forward.
May God's blessings and peace be with you and your Ohana.
With love,
Pastor Ronaldo
Updated: June 16, 2020
Dear Paradise Chapel Ohana,
We are pleased to announce that we are restarting our Sunday services on June 28, 2020.
We will have 2 services. The 1st service will begin at 8:00am and the 2nd service will begin at 9:30am. Each service will be about one hour long. You can also watch our services Online every Sunday. Just click on "WATCH" in the menu bar to view our services Live or to view Previous Messages.
Due to CDC and State regulations, new guidelines have been put in place to support our reopening. Providing a safe and healthy environment for everyone is our highest priority. Social distancing, face masks, new sanitization practices and even a temperature check are amongst a few of these. So consider arriving a little earlier than normal to help expedite your entry.
Please know that we are working diligently to maximize our space. Social distancing has caused us to limit the amount of seats that we can make available. Should we reach full capacity, we will kindly ask families to switch services or utilize our Online option. Thank you for your patience and understanding through this time.
We will continue to keep you updated you as we move forward.
May God's blessings and peace be with you and your Ohana.
Pastor Ronaldo
Updated: May 23, 2020
Dear Paradise Chapel Ohana,
After the announcement by Mayor Kirk Caldwell that churches may open and start having “in-person” religious services, you may be asking, “What is Paradise Chapel going to do?”
It has been so long since we have seen each other, hugged each other, and enjoyed worshipping, fellowshipping, and eating together. How we long to return to how things used to be just two months ago.
Although the church can reopen its doors this weekend, church experience will not be how it used to be. Social distancing requirements and health and sanitization practices must be followed.
Paradise Chapel will NOT be meeting in-person this Sunday, May 24, but we will continue to offer Sunday worship services online and invite you to continue to join us in that way at least maybe for a couple of weeks or so.
The pastors and church board have spent hours in discussing, planning, and praying and will continue to do so with the ministry leaders. There are many considerations, factors, and logistics involved in reopening the church. We are not rushing into a quick reopening because we want the best, orderly, and safest experience for all.
We are in the process of figuring out the best course of action for some of the following:
Seating arrangements considering the 6-foot social distancing requirement. What will be the seating capacity? Space will be limited because of the size of our sanctuary.
Purchasing of hand sanitizers, masks, and other safety supplies and equipment.
Sanitation and disinfecting procedures before and after the service. Staff and volunteers need to be organized and trained in the new procedures.
Nursery and Children’s Church social distancing requirements.
Attenders and volunteers might want to stay home for health reasons and wait to see if there is a surge of the coronavirus.
We are so excited to see you all again, so thank you for being patient as we diligently work out the logistics and prepare for the best in-person service for all. We will let you know when we will start meeting in-person again and what that will look. In the meantime, I look forward to seeing you online!
May the Lord’s goodness and favor be upon you and your family during this unprecedented time! I love you all.
Pastor Ronaldo
Updated: March 21, 2020
Food Bank
Food Bank will proceed as normally scheduled on the 3rd Wednesday of every month.
Emergency food pick up is NOT available until further notice.
Updated: March 21, 2020
Online Worship Service Available
Paradise Chapel Ohana,
Yesterday, Governor Ige gave a directive to limit public gatherings, including places of worship to not more than 10 people. We want to cooperate with our state and city and do our part in stopping the spread of the coronavirus. With that, the church board has decided to comply with this directive in the spirit of cooperation and with the safety of all our church members in mind.
Beginning this Sunday until further notice, we will not be gathering on the property of Paradise Chapel. Instead, please join us online as we worship, pray, give, and hear the Word as we regularly do on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am.
Please use this opportunity to shine your light to family, friends, and neighbors. Invite some people over to watch together, opening the possibility for discussion and sharing about eternity or maybe fears they may have in this time of uncertainty.
Please know that Joy and I love you, and the entire pastoral staff love you and are praying for you. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call the church office.
God bless you,
Pastor Ronaldo
Updated: March 18, 2020
Dear Paradise Chapel Ohana,
I want to assure you that we as a staff are taking appropriate precautionary measures to ensure that our church is a safe place to worship and fellowship.
Please do your part in taking every personal precaution to protect yourselves and those around you. If you are sick, elderly, or have a compromised immune system, you may join the service in the safety of your own home by going to our website at paradisechapelag.org and clicking the "Watch" link to view our live streamed worship service on YouTube.
You can also be updated by:
Checking our Facebook page at ParadiseChapelAG to view updates or communicate via the messenger.
Calling the church office at 668-1588. You must leave a message if no one answers, and someone will return your call.
You have most likely heard these facts, but I would like to share some guidance put out to our churches by the Hawaii District Assemblies of God:
Please keep these facts in mind regarding the COVID-19:
1. According to the New York Times, “Though the virus can be deadly, the vast majority of those infected so far have only mild symptoms and make full recoveries.”
2. The disease can be fatal in perhaps 2% of cases, with older people and people with compromised immune systems being at greater risk.
3. The virus does not always cause symptoms in people who have been infected, and some people can carry the virus for some time before showing symptoms. That means it will be very hard to keep people from being infected. It would be an overreaction to close our church and school until we have evidence of an outbreak of COVID-19 in our state and community or are mandated by our government to do so for precautionary reasons.
4. Unfortunately, the outbreak has now reached a global stage as well as a local one, so everyone must take this situation seriously.
5. We absolutely care about the lives of every person in our community and want to do everything we can to ensure the best possible outcomes. We also do not want to live in fear and allow it to lead us to poor decisions.
In view of these facts, we recommend the following practices:
1. Pray and let the peace of God guard your hearts against fear and anxiety. Ask God to fill you with His perfect love to cast out all fears. Philippians 4:6–7 (NLT) — Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
2. Pray for God’s help to guide governments, agencies, institutions, families and individuals to act wisely and effectively to minimize exposure to the disease. Pray also for a divine intervention against the disease.
3. Stay home if you have any symptoms of respiratory illness and avoid close contact with others. Please don’t come if you have a fever or cough. If you have these symptoms, contact your health provider: fever, cough, shortness of breath
4. Wash your hands frequently (although not obsessively) for at least 20 seconds, especially after shaking hands with people.
5. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
6. Cover your coughs to avoid spreading the virus. Follow CDC’s recommendations for using a facemask.
7. Minimize physical contact (hugging, handshakes, etc.) with casual acquaintances, substituting a polite nod or other gesture instead of handshakes.
8. Avoid contact with people who are sick. If you are needed as a caregiver to someone suffering from the disease, do not return to public activity until you are cleared by medical personnel to do so.
Psalm 91:1–3 (NKJV) — He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” Surely, He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.
While we must acknowledge the facts about COVID-19, we do have a choice to either respond in fear or faith. Let’s choose to put our trust in God who is our refuge, our fortress, and our deliverer who will deliver us from the perilous pestilence.
Remember, God is still on the throne.
Pastor Ronaldo Pascua